How to fight obesity the healthy way

India is a country of extremes. On one side we’re battling cases of malnutrition and on the other side we’re showing a rapid rise in the cases of obesity. Our country now stands second in the list of countries with the highest number of people affected with diabetes. Although it’s uncertain what needs more attention, we are slowing heading towards an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. The poor in India suffers from malnutrition while the rich from obesity. Even though there are a number of products available in the market that help keep the weight off, more often than not people either don’t know about it or don’t want to have it. There are many ways to fight obesity, like exercising, dieting, consuming weight loss supplements and eating healthy. According to a study published by The Diabetes Foundation India, one in every three school children in a Delhi private school is obese. The Mumbai public schools are not too far by. Kids today consume four times the recommended quantity of food. In America, the cases of obesity are concentrated in the poor as the only cheap food available is junk food, while in India junk is affordable only to the well off. What causes more and more well to do Indians to fall prey to this disease? A lot of things. Indian children now spend 90% of their time indoors and choose to spend their free time watching television or playing a video game. The concept of out door activities and games is slowly dying out and children no longer walk and cycle to school. Moreover eating out, especially junk food has become more of an activity or form of entertainment and more and more people are indulging in it to pass time. Increasing competition has resulted in children spending most of their times indoors studying. It doesn’t help that the Indian metabolism is predisposed to fat accumulation around the waist. The lifestyle of the average India has drastically changed in the recent years. Only a generation ago familes ate out sparingly, children carried a tiffin box of homemade lunch and a slab of Cadbury’s milk chocolate was carefully split by the entire family. Affluence and rapid westernization has made all this sound rather quaint. Portion sizes everywhere are increasing, just go have a look at the size of the small packet or popcorn or small glass of cola at your nearest multiplex. Most middle class people who have the money and access to fresh fruit and vegetables still choose junk, simply because they aren’t aware of the health consequences of consuming these food items. The rich might know about olive oil but the middle class don’t. Having lavish parties fuelled with expensive alcohol has become a status symbol for the rich who don’t give the health aspect of what they’re serving any importance. Health supplements like Obesigo are a good way to control your weight without having to drastically alter your lifestyle. Eating right and staying fit sounds charming but it requires herculean willpower to wean palates off deep-fried nirvana. Our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules only further point us in the direction towards junk food. Therefore supplements like these are an easy and quick solution to weight loss and fighting obesity.