How to fight obesity the healthy way

India is a country of extremes. On one side we’re battling cases of malnutrition and on the other side we’re showing a rapid rise in the cases of obesity. Our country now stands second in the list of countries with the highest number of people affected with diabetes. Although it’s uncertain what needs more attention, we are slowing heading towards an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. The poor in India suffers from malnutrition while the rich from obesity. Even though there are a number of products available in the market that help keep the weight off, more often than not people either don’t know about it or don’t want to have it. There are many ways to fight obesity, like exercising, dieting, consuming weight loss supplements and eating healthy. According to a study published by The Diabetes Foundation India, one in every three school children in a Delhi private school is obese. The Mumbai public schools are not too far by. Kids today consume four times the recommended quantity of food. In America, the cases of obesity are concentrated in the poor as the only cheap food available is junk food, while in India junk is affordable only to the well off. What causes more and more well to do Indians to fall prey to this disease? A lot of things. Indian children now spend 90% of their time indoors and choose to spend their free time watching television or playing a video game. The concept of out door activities and games is slowly dying out and children no longer walk and cycle to school. Moreover eating out, especially junk food has become more of an activity or form of entertainment and more and more people are indulging in it to pass time. Increasing competition has resulted in children spending most of their times indoors studying. It doesn’t help that the Indian metabolism is predisposed to fat accumulation around the waist. The lifestyle of the average India has drastically changed in the recent years. Only a generation ago familes ate out sparingly, children carried a tiffin box of homemade lunch and a slab of Cadbury’s milk chocolate was carefully split by the entire family. Affluence and rapid westernization has made all this sound rather quaint. Portion sizes everywhere are increasing, just go have a look at the size of the small packet or popcorn or small glass of cola at your nearest multiplex. Most middle class people who have the money and access to fresh fruit and vegetables still choose junk, simply because they aren’t aware of the health consequences of consuming these food items. The rich might know about olive oil but the middle class don’t. Having lavish parties fuelled with expensive alcohol has become a status symbol for the rich who don’t give the health aspect of what they’re serving any importance. Health supplements like Obesigo are a good way to control your weight without having to drastically alter your lifestyle. Eating right and staying fit sounds charming but it requires herculean willpower to wean palates off deep-fried nirvana. Our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules only further point us in the direction towards junk food. Therefore supplements like these are an easy and quick solution to weight loss and fighting obesity.

Healthy Loss Diet – Calorie Shifting

There are so many people who want to drop excess pounds quickly, trying to find that latest magic diet trick on how to reduce their weight rapidly. The weight loss industry have spent billions of dollars trying to make us thinking that weight loss is a complex, overwhelming process that only can be achieved using their latest and greatest “cure” products. Generally, these “state-of-the-art” diets and cures are not only expensive but many times also unhealthy. But those people who are able to think “out-of-the-box” and not simple using the latest “height of fashion” weight loss products, those who are open for simple and healthy weight loss methods, tend to be the winners. They quickly realize that making systematic and not drastic unsustainable changes of their eating patterns and type food leads to a permanent weight loss, much more than any kind of weigh loss pill, surgery or use of the ultimate weight loss machine.

Although both, diet and exercise are important for burning fat and reducing weight, the emphasis should be on a proven healthy loss diet. Just imagine: to burn the 540 calories of a Big Mac, a 155-pound person needs to run about one hour without interruption. Instead of exercising the extra calories away it is much easier and realistic to apply a diet that is able to accelerate your metabolism, thus burning excessive calories. People are succeeding if they have a grasp of how to eat and – even more important – if they are truly motivated for a change in their life. Those who are able to make meaningful and sustainable lifestyle changes will obtain a lasting and healthy weight loss and will avoid what is called the “boomerang effect”, bouncing right back to what they were before once the diet finished as going back to their normal eating habits. Important to mention in this context is that people always should consult with their physician before making any significant change in their diet or exercise. This is imperative in particular for those with health problems like diabetics or cardiac diseases. In particular risky are some of the low calorie diets or those telling you to stop eating a certain food group like carbohydrates or proteins. These diets might result in serious deficiencies of micronutrients. In fact, eating low calories is one of the worst things that people can do to their body. It slows down the body’s fat burning engine and after an initial weight loss during the first few days the weight loss comes to a halt (known as “dieting plateau”).

A major problem with diets is that people are expected to make large adjustments to the food that they prefer to consume. And the prescribed foods are often not that pleasant. Because people enjoy their foods they eat, going on a restrictive diet will always be a struggle.

One of the smartest solutions for a healthy weight loss and answer to all of the above-mentioned hints and drawbacks is called Calorie Shifting or Calorie Cycling. This dieting technique, published for the first time under the name “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”, has become one of the most popular dieting techniques for rapid healthy weight loss. The main reasons for the success of this healthy loss diet: it is very easy to follow, it is affecting negatively your health, it avoids the dieting plateau effect, it is sustainable and the most important: it helps to lose weight rapidly.

This Calorie Shifting diet has never been acknowledged by the weight loss industry, though, because low calorie food accounts for a multi-billion dollar market in revenue and there is not a lot of money they can make with calorie shifting as with calorie shifting there’s no need for people to buy special kinds of foods or restrict themselves in any kind of way.

The basics of this diet are already practiced for decades by bodybuilders and other body-conscious people. This group of people is applying acute calorie cycling, consuming a high-calorie diet for 2 weeks followed by a low-calorie diet for 2 weeks, and then repeating this pattern over and over again. This way of applying the diet can offer significant advantages to bodybuilders seeking enhanced muscle growth without the increase in body fat which occur with most long-term nutritional programs.

Resveratrol Weight Loss

What does resveratrol do? Well, in plain words, the Resveratrl supplements are rich in anti-oxidants. So, by extension, it means that your cells repair and rejuvenate. You can feel the energy building up in your body and you feel much younger. This leads to better stamina and you perform well in your daily activities. The changes are visible quickly enough and you are younger than your actual age, both physically and at heart too.
But, how does all this fit in weight loss? Well, there is a secret. Resveratrol helps in initiating the SiRT1 gene and catalyzes this gene, which in turn enhances the fat metabolism. So, it means that rather than you following a strict diet regime or heavy workout routines or filling yourself up with some pills, all you have to do is include resveratrol in your daily diet routine. It will improve your fat burning mechanism and you will not have to cut on how much you eat or what you eat.
When you feel healthy from inside, you will see that you work well in your daily activities too. The performance increases and you can see the results visible very quickly. Basically, no one is asking you to quit eating cheese or fries. All you have to do is get yourself resveratrol and have it. The relief is not just from weight but also from ageing signs showing on the physical you.
Summing it all up, you will see that your energy level increases and the ageing seem to stop or even reverse. Weight loss is equally an important aspect and if any remedy has to offer so many advantages, you can just not miss on it. To back it all up and support the results, the reviews have a lot more to say.

Motivation plus you equals weight loss

We all need motivation to make changes in our lives. But some motivations can have short-term effects whilst other motivations can have long-lasting, life changing effects. This article takes a very quick look at how we can cut to the core of making the long-lasting, life changing decisions easier.

Why do you want to lose weight? Do you want to make someone else happy? Your kids, your husband? The only way to lose weight in the long-term is to lose weight for you.

While some or most of this article might sound like pointless new-age psycho-babble, at its core are valid, solid ways of changing your life. Do not give in, it may well be a life changing experience.

Whilst these are all valid reasons for losing weight they may actually be the reasons why so many people fail to lose weight or lose weight but then put it all back on with a little extra just for desert. In order to understand long term weight loss we need to look at the nitty-gritty at how the mind works and how we become, and remain motivated, to do something.

When we want to change something about ourselves we need to look deep. Not just “Because the doc said I need to lose a few pounds” deep or “I want to look nice when I lie by the pool” deep. We need to look at where we are now, where we want to be and the difference between the two. That is where the deepness lies.

Ok, let’s take any weight measurements out of the equation and look at body size and shape. We might imagine ourselves to look a long way from the way we want to look. But how does that make us feel? Pretty miserable right. But that’s where your change begins – connect with the feelings caused by the difference between the two you’s. The discrepancy between the you now and the person you want to be is the reality and sometimes the reality hurts! The difference between where we are and where we need to get to needs to be bridged.

You need to imagine what it would feel like to be the person you want to be. Stop for a second and think about it. Close your eyes. Really think about it. Think about the person you want to change for. Because this is only a short article I will give you the answer you need to come up with.

The only person you want to change for is you. There are just so many reasons you could have come up with for changing. Kids, husbands, wives, parents, friends, pets, teams – the list is endless.

The only person you need to change for is you. If this sounds too selfish and self-centred for you then I’m sorry. However, the chance of you changing long-term for anybody other than yourself are minimal. If you think about it another way, what would make the person you are changing for happy? Would they be happier to see YOU happy or would they be happier watching you trying to make THEM happy? So if we want to change we have to look at ourselves and see ourselves as we really are. We need to look to the person we want to be. From then on the person you want to be is going to be the person you are.

If you want to lose weight you need to do it for yourself, no-one else. Not only do you get to be the person you want to be but everybody else gets the benefit of basking in the glow of your happiness and success.

Human Motivation – Discover The Power of Hypnotherapy

Are you interested in formulating an exercise plan that will assist you to remain trim and help you to get thin? Studies regularly show that there are two basic types of exercise that are both extremely efficient and successful. Of course, it stands to reason that you must be motivated in the first place, and that is why therapeutic hypnosis can help solve your problems.

If you’re like most people, you are interested in creating an exercise system that will assist you to remain healthy and slim. It may shock you to find out that research studies usually demonstrate that only two core kinds of exercise are useful — which suggests that you can’t just choose any type of exercise to become trim.

Due to the fact that so many people have trouble with the motivation to exercise, performing the most efficient kinds of exercise is imperative, since the less time you spend exercising – and the less time you waste on low efficiency exercise – the more likely it is that you will persist in your exercise routine and therefore achieve your personal weight and strength target.

Our first type of exercise which has been regularly proven to aid people to lose weight and get trim is progressive resistance. In brief, progressive resistance is one type of strength training. It functions by progressively ramping up the pounds lifted, the number of sets, and number of repetitions performed. As a result, your muscles are never strained or subjected to damage – instead, they slowly and steadily strengthen without any setbacks.

Our second type of exercise that has been scientifically studied is cardiovascular training. This is any type of exercise that gets the heart rate up to 60 – 85 percent of its maximum rate. Some kinds of cardio training may involve jogging, jumping rope, aerobics, or treadmill, among other types of exercise, but it is your choice.

Although progressive resistance and cardio training by themselves have been found to be very efficient forms of exercise, scientists now know that performing both of these types of exercise is the best bet for success. If you combine both progressive resistance and cardio training, you will increase the strength of your muscle groups and increase overall endurance. According to a recent scientific study, exercisers who used both cardio and progressive resistance during a two month time period lost 45 percent more weight than exercisers who did cardio training or progressive resistance alone.

Just as important as the type of exercise you perform is, the way in which you exercise is also important. It probably will be unsurprising that being consistent is the name of the game. Exercising inconsistently may strain your muscles and will probably not aid you to build strength and endurance. In addition, it is unlikely to improve your whole-body health. According to most scientists, the best regime is to exercise for forty minutes to an hour three to five times per week.

Unfortunately, it turns out that for a significantly sized subset of the population, getting sufficient exercise is not as easy as attending the health club a few times every week or listening to what scientists claim. For this group of people, the motivation to exercise is the primary issue – this group of people simply doesn’t have the motivation to go to the gym. Actually, they might resist any and all exercise, to the point of severe anxiety.

Nobody knows what percentage of the population suffers from problems with the motivation to exercise, but scientists say that up to 20 to 40 percent of people claim that they “hate” or “dread” exercise. An even larger percentage of people might have more mild problems with the motivation to exercise, finding that even though it is simple enough to commit themselves to an exercise regime for a week or two, motivation eventually degrades, leaving them where they were initially – unhealthy and heavy.

If you are one of these people who struggles with the motivation to exercise, the good news is that there are some easy strategies to deal with the struggle. In a recent research study, volunteers who needed to start an exercise program were provided with a brief learning program that aided them to decide on the right kinds of exercise, were provided with a therapist who specialized in exercise motivation, and were given a brief course in hypnosis. After six months, they were asked to evaluate their progress. It turns out that over 85 percent of the participants had adhered to an exercise program throughout the whole six months. Even better, they generally lost an average of fifteen more pounds than the control group.

If you have an interest in this study, it might make sense to look into locating a motivational therapist, habit control therapist, or therapist who deals with hypnotherapy. These therapists are provided with special training in helping people to transcend anxieties, build the motivation to exercise, and reinforce the creation of good habits. One more choice for exercise motivation is self-hypnosis – which is a simple and inexpensive process that often helps people take control of their own inborn abilities to be motivated.

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis are risk-free ways of increasing motivation that have been proven to provide success in the case of exercise motivation. Hypnosis works by using hypnotic relaxation to enhance the powers of the unconscious mind to influence the modification of behavior and habit development. Hypnotherapy is a good choice for the exercise adverse because it can help increase the drive to get trim and lose weight easily and effectively.

Need Some Tips To KEEP The Weight Off Once You Lose It?

Are you tired of the yo yo effect? These simple 5 steps can help you KEEP the weight off once you do lose it

Why do some dieters suffer the endless frustration of losing and then gaining weight again and again, while others lose weight and keep it off forever?

And we know you don’t want to be the latter group?

Here are 5 very simple tips successful dieters implement – and you can easily adapt these good habits yourself.

1.) You know that old conventional wisdom that goes “The scale doesn’t matter when you’re dieting”? For a long time experts scorned the idea of frequent weigh ins, pointing out that the scale can be inaccurate because of fluctuations caused by water weight. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. So if you’re exercising you may be gaining muscle and that will throw the scale off.

However, it turns out that weighing yourself every day is actually an excellent motivator for dieters. A study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that dieters who weighed themselves every day lost the most weight, and kept it off more successfully, compared to a group of dieters who did not weigh themselves regularly.

2.) Keep a log of everything you eat. When you log everything you eat you will feel MUCH more guilty when you cheat because you have to see it and read it.

3.) Do at least 1 15 minute activity everyday. ANYTHING. Walk your dog, go jogging, do tae bo. Most of us work at desks and sit at home all day – then do it at least three times a week. You will lose weight quicker and this is one of the big contributors of keeping the weight off.

4.) Plan ahead. If you are going out to dinner with friends or to a holiday office party or even to the movies, what are you going to do when hunger pangs hit? Eat something before you go and decide BEFORE you get to the party or movies.

5.) Schedule the occasional indulgence. Most weight loss experts suggest and encourage a cheating day. When you get to eat some pizza, brownie or some ice cream at some time in the week your chances of ditching your plan is much less likely. This can also be a day when you throw in some more activity.

Lose Weight Naturally Through Correct Diet

For those of you out there who believe that you can only lose weight through fasting, you cannot be more wrong! Facts have shown that it is not how much you eat but actually what you eat that results in weight gain in most people. If you decide to eat correctly, you will surely be eating your way to weight loss naturally.

In the developed world today, a whole lot of people seem to be struggling with a particular challenge common to them all and that is the issue of how to lose weight so as to live a healthier life. In the same vein, a good number of the people concerned tend to believe that the only way to lose that excess fat is by starving themselves or fasting. Nothing can be further than the truth in this case. It has been proven by the experts that one can achieve weight loss naturally through correct dieting.

In order to lose weight naturally, the main thing one has to keep in mind and practice is to eat wisely, take enough water and do some regular exercise. This combination of actions will surely help you get rid of that unwanted fat as well as give you a fitter and sexier physique.

It is pertinent at this stage to note that when I talk of losing weight naturally through correct dieting, I am not talking about some very strict diet but simple ones that can be found in some cook books such as the Metabolic Cooking. I am also not talking about a particular diet for the whole day but an intelligent mix of recommended diets that will end up giving you a healthier body through weight loss.

I suppose that at this stage some of you out will want to know exactly how to eat wise and reap the benefits of losing weight naturally in the shortest possible time. It is not rocket science but simply doing what is right as already suggested. For an example, the diet experts claim that our ability to shed fats is eighty percent correct dieting and twenty percent how much exercise we give to our body. This also means that you need to steer clear of that attractive and sweet junk foodstuff you have been destroying your system with only to go back to the gym to try to burn the fat you got from wrong dieting practice.

Another important aspect of correct dieting is the issue of the water intake level. It is a fact that taking a good amount of water on a daily basis helps in ensuring a clean body system. As a matter of fact, the experts have made it abundantly clear that in order to keep our body system in a clean condition we need to take as much as sixty ounces of water daily. This is much better than the sugary drinks that many people use to replace water in their diet. It is recommended by medical experts that every adult should drink at least eight glasses of water in order to enjoy a healthier life devoid of obesity.

In summary therefore, anyone who wishes to enjoy the benefits weight loss simply needs to combine a correct diet with a good water intake and do some exercise. That also means such a person needs to as well avoid taking junk food and replace that with the consumption of lots of fruit and vegetables. When fruits are added to your meals, it is easier for you to ward off the cravings for sweet since you are ingesting natural sugar instead of the artificial one. You are advised to take fruits such as oranges and or apples in between your meals as a means of eating your way to weight loss and good health.

Five Ways to Lose Weight by Reducing Stress

You can begin to lose weight by reducing your stress level. Here’s how!

There may be many reasons why you engage in the behavior of overeating. Overeating helps some people gain a sense of control over their lives. Other people overeat when they are stressed or upset. Think about the times that you have had a binge eating session? What was the motivation behind it? Do you turn to food when you are upset or have a stressful day? Do you find a sense of comfort in the food that you eat? If stress is a major factor in your eating habits, finding ways to help reduce stress can help you lose weight.

1. Find a Support System

Having people that you can rely on is a great way to start reducing stress. Call on your friends or family when you are in a stressful situation. They can be a great source of advice or just a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes going out with work friends after a long stressful day can work wonders to melt the stress that you feel. We all need to rely on our friends and family at some point. Being able to talk about your stress is a health alternative to overeating.

2. Post Positive Mantras

Think about the negative comments you make about yourself when you are feeling stressed. Most people struggle with negative self-talk at sometime in their lives. Begin to challenge your old ways of thinking. Replace those old thoughts with positive thoughts that will help you push through stressful times. If a long stressful day at work leaves you thinking that you are “no good at my job”, change your thoughts. Think about how hard you worked today. You put in your all and achieved a goal you had set. Whatever your new thoughts are going to be, post them around your house. This will help you stay focused on them even when you are headed for a stress out moment. Thinking positively can help curb overeating.

3. Find Time to Relax

It is important that you take a few minutes everyday for relaxtion. There are many different things you can do in order to relax. If you had a busy day at work and spent the evening running errands, take a long soak in a tub. If you find yourself working late one night, close your office door and read a chapter in a book. On the weekends, go for a walk around a nature trail. The activity can last five minutes or five hours; the important thing is to take some time to relax.

4. Meditate or Journal

Another great way to reduce stress is to be alone with your thoughts. This can help you sort out what is going on in your life in a healthy way. One way to do this is to meditate. Another way is to write in a journal. Writing in a journal is a great way to begin organizing your thoughts about the stresses in your life. Dealing with your stress in this productive way makes it less likely that you will overeat.

5. Listen to Your Body

Stop beating yourself up for overeating. Move forward into a new way of thinking about eating and food. By listening to your body, you will learn when your body is telling you it is full or hungry. Know the signals that your body gives off in order to begin recognizing the difference between hunger and emotional eating. You can pull through this struggle and be on your way towards a natural weight loss.